MAFIA MOMENTS: Why Humans Overeat with Dr. Ken Berry

MAFIA MOMENTS: Why Humans Overeat with Dr. Ken Berry

Speaker 1:

It's almost like they have hormones that tell them when they're hungry Right. And hormones that tell them when they're full. And if they're uninflamed and unaddicted to sugar, it's almost like they just listen to that. Just like they listen to their body about how many times their heart should beat a minute, and how many times they should breathe a minute and when they should go pee and when they should go poop. They don't have to learn that.

Speaker 1:

They just do it. It just happens. And the same exact thing happens with diet as well. Once you've made the slow transition and they're back on a proper human diet, you're exactly right. They're not gonna eat a dozen eggs.

Speaker 1:

They're not gonna binge on the ground beef because that's not how any mammal on the planet eats unless their diet and their palate has been adulterated by the big food corporations. Without exception, on the planet, there is no mammal that overeats or binges unless they're they're either they're either eating human trash, human garbage, which basically is big food. Right? Mhmm. Or they're living in a household or a yard where the the human is feeding them an inappropriate species diet.

Speaker 1:

Think about the power of that state. There is not another mammal on the planet that gets obese unless they do it intentionally because winter's coming, right, which is a good strategy. Or they have access to human garbage, in which case they're eating the food that's made the food like Franken food bullshit that's made by big food. That alone should tell anybody with any degree of common sense what the answer to this question is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Humans are the only species that can't naturally it seems like we can't naturally regulate our own weight. And then you can press that to something like a dog. Like, my my dog I have these liver crisps. My dog literally goes crazy if I open liver anywhere near him, and a lot of other animals are like that too.

Speaker 2:

Yep. It's like they instinctually have this wiring that they know that this is some of the most nutrient dense food that they could put in their body.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And we're that way too. That's my that's the take home message I want everybody listen to this to get. You're just like your dog. You don't have to eat when you're not hungry.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to keep eating although you're full. All of that stuff is because the big food companies literally employ engineers and chemists to break your physiology. That's that's literally how how they make their 1,000,000,000 of dollars. Once you understand that your body just like you're not having to track how many times you breathe a bit. Mhmm.

Speaker 1:

Did you forget to breathe in the last 60 seconds? Did you even think about breathing? Yeah. No. You didn't have to.

Speaker 1:

Your body's got that. And your body also has your hunger, and it has your satiety when you eat a proper human diet. After a few months of that, you you don't get hungry until you truly need nutrition. And then when you eat, you eat until you're comfortably stuffed, and then your hormones shift, and you're like, that's it. I'm done.

Speaker 1:

And then you don't think about food again for many hours. You get to go outside and do something fun or do something productive. You're not a slave to the kitchen anymore because you have fixed your metabolism by removing the slow poison, which is the modern American modern standard diet. That's it. That literally is is the answer.

Speaker 3:

That's such a strong take home message. I think that, a lot of people can relate to that one. If there's so one of the things we talk about a bunch is this idea of self experimentation. If there are people who are just approaching that limit where they're about ready to start experimenting, what would you say to them to get them comfortable taking that leap?

Speaker 1:

So I'm still very comfortable with a real whole food, one ingredient, low carb diet. I think a proper human diet is a spectrum. I don't think it's just one diet for everybody. And so a proper human diet spectrum is anywhere from a 100 total grams of carbohydrates a day of real one ingredient food that either grew in the dirt or grazed on what grew in the dirt, all the way down, maybe you only need 50 total grams. Maybe you only need 20 total grams, or maybe you're like me.

Speaker 1:

You've gotta be as close to 0 carbs a day as you can to realize your best health. But anybody, if they wanna do low carb, under a 100 total grams a day with real food, no processed shit, nothing in a cardboard box, I think that's a great way to start this, and then start doing your research. Start watching YouTube videos, listen to a book or 2 on Audible, listen to a podcast on the way to work. And before long, you're gonna be like, man, I feel much better eating more more fatty meat, more eggs, and fewer definitely no processed highly processed carbohydrates. I feel much better, or I feel a little better.

Speaker 1:

Either way, it's a victory. Because now you know, oh, food food actually matters. Because there's nothing that Kellogg's and Kraft Heinz would rather you believe is that it doesn't matter what you eat. It does that has nothing to do with anything. If you're sick, you take a pill.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you're too sick, you just die and you're replaced. It's no big deal. There's food has no part in that whatsoever. Now you're you're woke. You know?

Speaker 1:

Oh, man. Food does matter. I wonder what happens what would happen if I lowered my carbs even more? I'm gonna try 50 total grams per month. I'm gonna see what happens.

Speaker 1:

I eat more fatty meat and eggs, eat more real seafood, and and less carbs. I'm gonna see how I feel after a month of that. Oh, boom. I feel a little better. Awesome.

Speaker 1:

I wonder what happened. And and so then you just start this effortless self experimentation. And then, also, you get to go the opposite direction as well. You're like, I don't you know, I'm eating 20 total grams a day, keto, real food, whole food, one ingredient. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think doctor Berry's full of shit. I'm gonna go to Pizza Hut tonight. I'm gonna have a big salad and about 6 slices of pizza. But, usually, people only perform that experiment more once or twice. Mhmm.

Speaker 1:

Because after you've after you've purified your system, and it's back to to your hormones are actually in charge of everything. When you go off the reservation again, you pay for it. You pay for it. Some people with their gut, some people with their joints, some with their skin, some with their their mental health. Mhmm.

Speaker 1:

It takes a toll on you when you poison your body like that, and most people only do that once or twice. And then they're like, well, I might cheat a little with a with a keto bar or something, but I ain't never going to pizza hut again. That those days are over because I just know better than that now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And that's exactly how I feel with ulcerative colitis is I know that if I eat certain foods or if I drink alcohol, I'm gonna pay the price for it. So no deliciousness of food is worth the after effects that's gonna come from that.

Speaker 1:

Right. I hear you know what? I hear that smoking crack is amazing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I hear that it's orgasmic. Yeah. Right? I've heard that. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I've also seen the outcome of of being a routine crack smoker. So, yes, exactly. It's not worth it. Of course, you can literally feel euphoric on smoking crack, but it's not worth it. It's not worth the sacrifice that you're you're gonna pay long term for doing that.

Speaker 1:

I think you're exactly right.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Well, I feel like that's an amazing ending point. We covered so much, and we wanna let you get back to your day too. But, doctor Kennett, what's the best way for people to connect with you and also order your book that's out there as well?

Speaker 1:

So I've got a book that's available at all bookstores called lies my doctor told me. And I think for many people, that's a great first step to realize that not every word that falls from the lips of their doctor is gospel. And and and it I'm not I'm not denigrating doctors. I'm I used to be one of those idiotic doctors that said stupid shit. So get my book, lies my doctor told me, and then I've got over 600 YouTube videos, and it's not just about keto and carnivore.

Speaker 1:

I've got hundreds of videos about medications, medical conditions. Right? So high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver, obesity, beta blockers, statins. So just go to YouTube and search for doctor Berry, and then whatever pill you've got a question about or whatever medical condition. So doctor Berry diabetes.

Speaker 1:

I probably got 25 or 30 videos that will help you understand what's going on and also help you fix it. Doctor Berry beta blockers, doctor Berry testosterone, doctor Berry statins, doctor Berry fasting. Search that on YouTube, and you're gonna find everything that I have researched and recorded on YouTube. And then, also, in the show notes of every video where it matters, I've I've got links to the actual research that I used to make that video so you can look it up for yourself.

Creators and Guests

Brett Ender 🥩⚡️
Brett Ender 🥩⚡️
The food system is corrupt and trying to poison us... I will teach you how to fight back. Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod 🥩
Harry Gray 🥩⚡️
Harry Gray 🥩⚡️
Leading the Red Meat Renaissance 🥩 ⚡️| Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod