Expect Greatness - How to Make the Next 6 Months the Richest Months of Your Life? | MMP #342

Expect Greatness - How to Make the Next 6 Months the Richest Months of Your Life? | MMP #342

Speaker 1:

Alright. Meat Mafia, welcome back to another episode of the Meat Mafia podcast. On today's episode, I'm gonna be going through a solo podcast. Yes. A solocast with me, Harry Gray.

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Brett is unfortunately back in New Jersey. I'm gonna miss him, but I think that this is gonna be a great podcast. I'm excited to share it. This is one that's been on my heart recently. And with it being the halfway point through the year, I just I had this urge to share a message.

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And I just I really wanted to get this podcast out there. It's gonna be different. This isn't gonna be like what you guys are typically used to, and I hope that's okay. This is gonna be just a message of encouragement. This is gonna be, something that I hope you share with your friends, something that I I hope you come back to.

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You know, a lot of times we get caught up in the day to day minutiae of life, and, you know, time just keeps ticking. And I hope that this is a podcast that you guys can come back to when you've realized you need, like, a little bit of a spark. And so this is gonna be a this is gonna be about a 10 to 15 minute podcast. I promise it'll be no longer than 15 minutes. And this is just gonna be like, the theme of this podcast is go.

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It's do it, get it done, make a plan, trust the plan, work the plan, revise the plan. This is gonna be more of a motivational speech. And and quite honestly, you know, this is something I'm excited to share because I I think that it's a side that I haven't really gotten to share. It's something that I'm passionate about. I'm passionate about people finding what lights them up and just going for it and getting in the fight.

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You know, I just I've seen it all too often. It's so cliche. It's fortune cookie stuff, but it's so true. It's, you know, people are not pursuing the stuff that lights them on fire, and that devastates me. And so what I'm gonna be doing on today's podcast is trying to use this moment in time.

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I I think midway through a year is the perfect window to just reexamine. Reexamine where you're at, what you've done, and where you wanna be. And so we're gonna use this time to really just, 1, speak words of encouragement into what you're doing, 2, help you just shake up some of some of the feelings that you're feeling, you know, whether you're complacent right now or you're just not seeing the fruits of the work that you're you're putting in. You know, you're not seeing things come to fruition the way you thought that they were gonna come to fruition, or, you're just struggling to come up with, you know, any idea or anything to to really lean into right now. You know, this is gonna be the podcast that I hope just is, like, a massive call to action.

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This is just like a, let's go do something big. Let's go, let's go set a huge goal for the rest of the year. Let's go lose £30. Let's go sign up for a race. Let's go start a business.

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Let's go you whatever it is. Start a new hobby. I don't know what it is. Like, who I'm speaking to right now is just simply the person who knows that they want more out of the next 6 months than they got out of the first 6 of this year. So with that being said, I just want to I just wanna say that time does not stop for anyone, and we can't get any of it back.

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And so to live to live today with any other expectation other than it's gonna be an amazing day, and I'm gonna get everything that I want out of this day is is just a honestly, I I you know, I view I view not living that way as somewhat a slap in the face to to God. And, you know, I think that we should we should live with an expectation. We should be living, seeking seeking more. And I'm just gonna say, you know, right from the right from the top here that walking into this week, I just hope that you walk into it with the expectation that this is going to be the richest week of your life, that I want this podcast to be the one you come back to every single week. I want it to be the one you send to your friend and family and say, listen to this now, and just this will change your your trajectory.

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Just 10 minutes, and it'll change your trajectory. And what I'm gonna ask anyone who's listening to this right now, I've got one thing I'm asking of you. I'm asking you to walk with an expectation this week. Walk with an expectation that every single thing you're looking to see happen in your life is happening right now. It's happening.

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Look around. Like, everything that you want, all the things that you're seeking are happening. And I just wanna pull you into the present moment and give you the words of encouragement that if the 1st 6 months of this year didn't go as planned look. Like, carry carry with you an expectation that the next 6 will and walk with that expectation. I want you to enter this week in a pure sense of knowing that what is meant to happen will happen, and that will happen for your benefit.

Speaker 1:

So with that being said, I have really four things that I wanna get across. These are my four calls to action with this this podcast. So we talked about this being kind of a halfway point review for the year, and I think it's a great time to review the overall plan of what you wanted to do this year. I also believe it's a great time to just do some personal reflection on who you are. Are you living up to the expectations that you set, that that you set for yourself that that you believe to be who you are and who you want to be?

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Like, are you living up to those standards that like, that's the question. Are you are you reaching the standards that you're setting for yourself or no? And I wanna I wanna frame that through 2 calls to action. The first is, an I am statement. And so what I'd love for people to do 6 months into the year, I'd love for you to just spend some time with yourself and write a list of I ams.

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So for me, that might look like something along the lines of a lot of personal identifiers. So I am a man of God. I am the cohost of the Meat Mafia podcast. I am, a brother. I am a son.

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I am, grateful. I am patient. I am a leader. Go deep. I want you to define I am.

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I want to I want you to know you on a level right now that you haven't really spent time describing. Like, take a moment. Take like, pause the podcast and go write this out and define who you are, and this is the core of anything that you're gonna be doing with your life, whether it or whatever plan you're trying to put in place, you need to know who you are and why you're doing it. So start with this. I am.

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Give me 10. Give me the 10 most important I ams that you can possibly come up with and state them to yourself, and then go go share it with the the person who you're closest with that you can that you can get down and dirty with and just, like, share your deepest darkest things with. And just, like, let them know, like, hey. Do you see this? Do do you see this as who I am?

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And I think that this will have a profound effect on how you identify with yourself and how you enter into, the world of what you seek. Number 2, second call to action. I want the next 6 months of this year to not be a list of goals. I am gonna repeat that. I'm gonna repeat that one more time.

Speaker 1:

I want the rest of this year to not be as list of goals that you're setting for yourself. Goals are little weak laws that you are trying to live up to, and it's it's the wrong approach when you're entering into a place of trying to embody and transform different areas of your life. If you truly want to build a business, if you truly wanna become healthier, if you truly want to be a better parent or a better sibling or a better friend, you're not setting goals, you're setting standards. You're not setting goals, you're setting standards. So what does that mean?

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A goal is not, like yes. The you could set the goal of waking up at 5 AM, and that's just like a check the box type of thing. But the if your standard is, I wake up at 5 AM so I can get moving and get in, you know, get in the word or her, like, go read a book and write and get my day going so I can set the foundation or have some time to myself so that I can go pour into other people. Like, that's the standard. Goals are just weak, weak, weak, weak versions of what you should be approaching and and and what you should be pursuing.

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Like, the standard is definitive. A goal is like a goal is just something that's kinda passing by. You know? Your goals change. Your standards don't.

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So the call to action there, go give me go set 3 standards for the rest of the year. What are your 3 standards? Give me some expectations for yourself. What are you gonna be for the rest of the year? And let's go work those into the plan.

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Call to action number 3. Work from rest, not for rest. I'm gonna repeat that again. Work from rest, not for rest. This is this is one that I personally struggle with more than any.

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You know, I am definitely on the, excuse me, I'm on the edge of being too extreme on a regular basis, and I definitely burn myself out in some ways. And so recently, I've been truly trying to honor the Sabbath that's been something that has been heavy on my heart and truly honoring a Sabbath involves a certain level of restfulness and seeking rest and respecting the process of of restfulness. And I think in today's world, it's so easy to just burn ourselves out with all the different sources of dopamine and the different things that are just trying to speed up time and and, move us through our weeks faster and faster and faster and get us to pursue more and more and more and more. And without Peru rest, without true rest, and on top of that rest, true community to plug yourself into when you are resting, I really think that you're and then this I'm truly just speaking to myself right now. You're missing out on an opportunity to reset and restore and get reinvigorated for the things and the work that you are designed and destined to do.

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And so that rest is really important, and I and I want people to understand that rest is part of the plan. That's it. Rest is part of the plan, and people out there will glorify not resting. But I think that, and this is just hustle culture. I think it's actually a much smaller subset of the population, than is what it is perceived online, but hustle culture is pervasive.

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It's everywhere. It gets likes. It gets clicked. It gets clicks. But most people should understand that any plan that's gonna bear any sort of legitimate long term fruit is gonna take years to build.

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And so if you want priceless things like an amazing family or an amazing group of friends or a business that provides for other people and allows you to give in ways that you couldn't imagine. If you want those things, you need to be rested and restored on a regular basis. And so I encourage you to to seek that and not just passively pursue rest. Like, legitimately like, it's it's a call to action. Like, make your rest actionable.

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Like and that's not like don't put, like, a plan in place or a checklist in place. Like, I'm just saying, like, dedicate a day to slowing down. It'll help. Trust me. It's helped me.

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I've recently started doing this. It's helped me a lot, and I encourage you to, to do the same. And act call to action number 4, this is just kinda putting a bow on everything that I just said. You know, we're 6 months into the year, and, you know, you you're probably one of 3 people. You had a plan and things are going to plan, number 1.

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Number 2, had a plan. Things aren't going to plan. You know? Alright. You know?

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That's fine. And then person number 3, no plan and not sure what's happening. You know? Not sure what to do. And if you're any one of those 3 people, you know, I encourage you go back through those first three call to actions that I just said.

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Go through your I am statements. Set standards, not goals. Work from rest. Set an expectation that you are gonna be restful, that you're gonna enter every single week from a place of rest and be restored with the mission that you're on. You need to be rested.

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You need to be pursuing your your your standards of excellence with the idea that, like, your energy that you're putting into everything that you're doing is purposeful. You're not wasting your energy, and therefore, like, taking that time to rest is actually truly important. And then the last thing I'll say is for the rest of this year, you know, after you've gone through and done your I AM statement, making sure, you know, you are who you are who you wanna be, then reset those standards, then focus on creating some rest time so that you can revisit those standards. And, you know, the last thing I wanna leave you with is get into attack mode. Get into attack mode.

Speaker 1:

Make a plan, attack a plan. You've got 6 let's just let's just say it. There's 6 months in the rest of the year, and you can get everything that you want out of those 6 months. And I again, I'm gonna reiterate. I'm speaking to myself.

Speaker 1:

You can get every single thing that you want out of the next 6 months if you make the plan and attack the plan. Make the plan, attack the plan. Don't get caught up on feeling sorry for yourself that the 1st 6 months did not go exactly the plan that you'd hit. You try to control everything, and you try to control everything that you're doing into a place of feeling stuck and, you know, being impatient and not doing the right things and starting to slack off and all the other excuses that come when you don't create a plan, stick to the plan, and attack the plan. So with that being said, let's act.

Speaker 1:

Let's make the listeners of the Meet Mafia podcast a group of people that takes actions. And and if there's one person listening to this right now, I just hope that you're you are walking away from this podcast feeling encouraged, feeling like you can be the person that you want to be. You can reach that the goals that you are setting or you can reach the standards and the expectations that you are setting for yourself If you show up every day with the presence and peace of mind that the plan is working exactly how it's supposed to, you're where you need to be, you're learning the lessons you need to learn so that the things that you want can come into your life. It's time. Make today a masterpiece.

Speaker 1:

Go for gold. Be extraordinary. Be an extraordinary friend. Be an extraordinary father. Be an extraordinary stranger.

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Show up for people. Be the person in the room that is radiating the energy that other people feed off. Believe something behind for other people, give abundantly, and let's pursue this week with a winner's mentality because the things that are coming into your life are bigger than you could possibly expect. And as long as you expect them to be bigger than you could possibly expect, that's how it's gonna be. It's gonna play out exactly the way you think it's going to.

Speaker 1:

Just give yourself that time and space right now to set yourself up for the best week that you could possibly have. Alright, me mafia. That's all I've got for you. I went a little bit long, but I hope you got the most out of this podcast. And, really, I just I want you to leave this podcast knowing that the next 6 months are gonna be amazing, and I'm totally encouraged by all of you all.

Speaker 1:

And if this was inspiring or somewhat uplifting and motivating to you, please leave us a message, leave us a comment, and I look forward to hearing from you guys soon.

Creators and Guests

Brett Ender 🥩⚡️
Brett Ender 🥩⚡️
The food system is corrupt and trying to poison us... I will teach you how to fight back. Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod 🥩
Harry Gray 🥩⚡️
Harry Gray 🥩⚡️
Leading the Red Meat Renaissance 🥩 ⚡️| Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod