Why Consistency Is the Key to Long-Term Success w/ Jack Flood | MMP #378
[00:00:00] So Jack, what's it like to be six high school freshman year? I start track. I'm the worst one. I'm the slowest person. But then I realized, wait, if you train hard, you can actually get good grinded, sophomore year, junior year, senior year, I'm a state champion. And two years later, I transferred to division three by senior year.
I was division three national champion. I had the bigger vision of, I want to be one of the best in the United States. So I have to figure out a way to train and keep doing this. I got better every year, slow and steady wins the race over time. I caught up, you know, and now I'm entering my peak. So everything I've done from 18 to 29 has prepared me for these next four years, which my ultimate goal is to make the Olympic team in Los Angeles, which would be the ultimate underdog story.
My last Olympic run, I make the team after being a junior college D3 athlete and just steadily getting better every year. People don't understand. People give up after four years. I stuck it in seven years. You clearly had that vision where you're like, no, I'm going to do this and I'm going to find the next level.
How'd you keep your head on your shoulders and keep that vision going forward? It was just, it's all God, but also through my [00:01:00] pain, that's where I get closest to him because he gives you strength. He gives you peace through pain. I'm just getting started. That's my mentality. I got fifth at the trial. I'm just getting started. Jack Flood. Welcome to the Meat Mafia Podcast, brother. Thanks for doing. I'm doing good. Thank you for having me. Officially the tallest guest ever on the Meat Mafia Podcast. He's up there for sure. I'm trying to think, have we had a taller guest on before? I don't know. Definitely not someone who's 6'5 Yeah.
Genetically, um, gifted. So Jack, what's it like to be 6'5 It's uh, feels pretty good. That's so funny, man. I don't know if you know this, but I first got sent his stuff through our buddy, uh, BJ, who's an awesome dude. I played baseball with him growing up in New Jersey. He was in the army for a couple of years, was an infantry officer, went to Ranger school.
Awesome dude. And somehow he started coming across your early content around, I think you're doing like calorie per dollar content. You don't do that as much anymore, but you used to back in the [00:02:00] early days. And he loved your stuff. So he sent it to me. I was like, Oh, this guy's right up our alley. And then that's how it's all kind of led to is it was like us just following you.
And then we got connected through a few mutual people, but we love what you stand for and your message, dude. So we're pumped to have you on the show. Yeah, I'm excited. And yeah, speaking of the CPD thing, like that was like the early days of social, but then at, you know, as a content creator, you kind of just evolve and find what you want to produce.
And I've kind of found through experimenting constantly of like. This is what I want to focus on, you know, cause you almost have to play the game. Like that was working at the time. So it was like, I'm pumping that it was getting millions of views. Like I was posting about the flood bowl in Chipotle, like millions of views to where it was like, at the time I didn't realize the impact it was having.
Cause you can see numbers on the screen, but I talked to three or four people a day, so it's not like I, the human mind can't even perceive that impact, you know? So I [00:03:00] was playing the game and then, um. I just got tired of doing it. I was like, this is not fulfilling. Like, I don't care about CPD. Plus I was eating like garbage.
I'm trying to be the best athlete in the world. So I'm like, I got to stop eating and making videos. Like, but I had to do it because that was like funding. So I can train because I'm a decathlon, decathlete. If you don't know what that is, it's 10 events, two days. Um, you're basically the world's greatest athlete if you win the Olympics.
But. Um, overall, if you're like, you know, top 100 in the world, you can consider yourself among, you know, the greatest athletes. But um, yeah, so social media was my path to do what I'm doing now. You know, I was, I'm very blessed and like, it all worked out because there was no other option. And it was like, if you want after the 2021 Olympic trials, um, You know, I scored 8, 000 which was like a respectable score only like 40 Americans have ever done that ever [00:04:00] So I'm like, oh now I can like get a shoe sponsor.
Like someone will sponsor me. I reached out to every single agent. Nothing. So I'm like, alright, I got to do this shit on my own I got it. There's there's no other option I've always was into social media like when I was 12, I was doing YouTube with like skateboarding. I'd film everything. So You Oddly, those skills and like that obsession of filming when I was younger, it's a gift I've realized.
And oh, I can use this now. So then I really, because of my desperation was so high, because I was like, I either social media works, or I have to do a job and train and I'm like, half that I've done that too long of doing that. How can I be the best decathlete in the world if I'm working eight hours a day at a job and sitting down or something?
So I'm like, I can control my time with social media. And, uh, like I said, you know, God provided a way I just showed up every day, people don't see, I posted three or four times every single day for like eight months [00:05:00] before things start taking off. And, uh, if it didn't, I don't know where I'd be. I'm kind of going all over the place.
Cause there's just so much to talk about as far as like with the content. Yeah. Um, but anyway, so yeah, I couldn't, I didn't get, there was no possibility of the sponsor, so I'm saying I'm doing this my way posted. And by the grace of God, things just started working out. Yeah. And, uh, I think what made me confident to post was because I had a credibility of, you know, I competed at the Olympic trials, um, ninth in the U S this is 2021.
And it was like, basically whatever I say about fitness, working out health, you, you can't really argue with me. Like, I'm sorry. Like I, I'm at, I was a division three junior college athlete, and now I'm like one of the best in the U S like I grinded my ass off for years. Like decades to be where I'm at now.
And it's like the proof's in the pudding. Like, um, I have this certain, um, yeah, [00:06:00] credibility level. It's like, I'm always open to learning and, and, and, uh, learning from other great people, but you could be that producer. So that's what I was like, I'm going to produce my own content and people can follow it.
And I've, I get DMS all the time with people, how I changed your life. So it's a win win. Yeah, man. That's the cool thing about you is that I feel like content creator It like that. I guess that's technically your title, but I feel like you're a lot more than that where you bring together your faith, your perspective on nutrition training, and that's why we wanna do the podcast is because so many people know you for the short form stuff.
But we, Harry and I have always felt like there's like a much deeper message that you're trying to convey that I think a podcast can bring out. But um, dude, tell me a little, I didn't realize that you were a D three guy and then you were, it sounds like you were a late bloomer. Yeah. To kind of turn into what you are now, dude, tell, tell that story.
That's super interesting. Yeah. So. Let's there's so much to talk about so I'm going to try to squeeze it in as like [00:07:00] quick as possible So high school freshman year I start track. I'm the worst one I'm the slowest person like my brother's like, you know, super fast. Everyone's calling me a shadow. I suck.
The girls are faster than me I'm not strong. I'm afraid to push myself then, you know, I'm pissed because I Was afraid of pain like to work hard and I But then I realized, wait, if you train hard and like, you can actually get good, like every time you push yourself extremely hard, you're getting a return on it.
So I understood that dynamic of like, the more you train, the better you get. So then I trained harder and more than every single person. Sophomore, junior year, senior year. Didn't see results sophomore year. Well, I, I was, I was getting better. So I was, but in my head I'm like, I'm gonna be a state champion by senior year.
If you were to look freshman year, there's no shot. But anyway, grinded sophomore year, junior year, senior year I'm a state champion. In the pentathlon, which founded me, [00:08:00] like I wasn't, I was just a runner, but then we introduced the jumping events, the throwing events, and then boom. And I didn't plan to go to college, like I, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.
So, it was like, end of May, my senior year of high school, my coach is like, what are you doing? Are you gonna go to college? I'm like, I don't know, I don't know what I want to do. He's like, you need to do track after, after high school. I apply to this random junior college called SUNY Delhi in May, I get accepted, By August, I'm there training for the decathlon, which I don't even know what it is.
Like I'm S this is my 17 year old mind. Like, I don't know what's going on. I'm just like, I guess this is what I'm doing. Like I didn't, I wasn't a very naive kid. I didn't know college that well. I didn't know my parents didn't go to college, so I don't know what's going on. So, but through track, my love of track, it brought me to college.
And then two years later, I transferred to division three by senior [00:09:00] year. I was division three national champion, the decathlon and the heptathlon. And then, uh, I was like, sure, I was good at the D3 level, but if you're gonna do overall ranked in the United States, or like, I wouldn't have even made the D1 national championship.
So yeah, I was a national champion, but what am I going to get on my high horse? Like, yeah, I'm the best. It's like I, I understood I had the bigger vision of I want to be one of the best in the United States. So I have to figure out a way to train and keep doing this. Yeah, so that's my origins of college and then what was the question just yeah Just how you went from d3 to you know, finishing five Olympic trials.
Yeah, so then okay, so That's 2017 and then that summer. I'm like, how am I gonna continue doing this? I'm like, I have to figure out a way. I, I searched Instagram, Google, everything, like places to train randomly. There's this place in North [00:10:00] Carolina called athletic lab. I saw a video of another D three athlete training there.
I'm like, why is it? Cause I knew the kid. I'm like, why is this kid training here? Like it made no sense to me. So I DM him and DM athletic lab. I'm like, uh, You know, can I train with you guys? I'm this I'm trying to be, you know, really good. Once again, I have like no money. I just got out of college. So I don't like I don't have I don't even have my driver's license.
Like I didn't get my driver's license. I was 23. So, but my older brother coincidentally recently moved to North Carolina. And I don't have like the best relationship with him at the time because I'm in college. He's doing his own thing. I don't really see him. And I never been in North Carolina, but I call him I say how far away is this?
You know, facility from you. He's like, it's 20 minutes. I'm like, can I move in with you? He's like, sure. And he was grinding his ass off working nights. Um, at his first job [00:11:00] after college, like he didn't have a car yet. He just bought a car actually, but he was riding his bike to work, working nights, like grinding his ass off coming from nothing to, you know, just living that, that life after college.
And, you know, he doesn't even have a bed yet. So I slept on the floor for like three months. And my goal then was to make the U. S. National Championship for indoors. So this is my first.
You know, meet national championship post collegiate because there's no college meets anymore. It's not like I'm with a team It's just like you get the national championship and that's it really but to qualify for that you you do You have to still do like a heptathlon. This is an indoor So I trained from September to December qualified for it by like five or ten points or something like that I'm like this works I'm getting better.[00:12:00]
It was like proof, like just keep going. Like, and every year in the decathlon and heptathlon to that point, I got better every year. So it was like slow and steady wins the race. Like the, you know, the turtle and the rabbit story. It's like the, the turtle keeps going and like, I'm going to catch up to you guys.
And over time I caught up, you know, and now I'm entering my peak. So everything I've done from 18 to 29 has prepared me for these next four years, which my ultimate goal is to. Make the olympic team in Los Angeles. Um, which would be the ultimate underdog story. It's like like my last olympic run I make the team after being a junior college d3 athlete and just steadily getting better every year which Was I mean a lot of difficulties the last 10 years Um, but just that perseverance and that mindset and that faith of like, you know, this is my purpose.
This is my gift And it's [00:13:00] brought everything to me, like where I've got so far was because I put Decathlon, well, I put God first, but Decathlon is my, my gift because when I was 14, like that first week of track, I'm like, I don't know how I knew what I wanted to do. And the biggest struggle I see in humans today is they don't know what they want to do.
They don't have that purpose. And I, my biggest blessing was I found it. Early when I was young because it gave me direction, you know, if you don't have direction you're You're kind of lost, you know, so yeah, I got chills just thinking about you going to the Olympics in LA. That would be unbelievable it's dude, it's impressive just thinking that you're at the d3 level and still able to stay the course and not be derailed by Probably a lot of people who are just like, I like track doing like, I like doing this, you know, compete a little bit, but I know like my time is going to come.
You clearly had that vision where you're like, no, I'm going to [00:14:00] do this and I'm going to find the next level. Yeah. How'd you kind of keep your head on your shoulders and like, keep that vision going forward? It was just, it's all God. It's just like, it's just every day. I took it one day at a time. And there's so much struggle.
And pain and you know uncertainty but it's like you can maximize each day and it will it will lead to something So I didn't get down on myself. I didn't feel self pity. It was like I had this vision I knew my potential and it sure could have been delusional actually if I look at film From my junior college d3 days I go How did he believe that like how could he possibly see that, you know?
So and actually my first day of junior college my coach went into The, we had a meeting and he said, um, I know you guys are all here. You know, you're doing track college. That's awesome. None of you will become a professional athlete [00:15:00] because he was trying to like motivate us to do good in school. But when he said, none of you will become a professional athlete, I'm like, what kind of coach says that?
Like, what is wrong with you? And that hit my heart. I was like, and if it wasn't for me, I would have proved he would have, he would have been right. Yeah. So I was like, I was the only one who stuck it out after college, obviously. So it was like. If I had that feeling like, nah, dude, like, I don't agree with you at all, and then, uh, I just, I just knew deep down I could be really, really good, and I just stuck with that, that potential in my head, and it took a long time, I mean, it took, you know, seven years after college almost to where I'm fifth in the U.
S. That's a long time. People don't understand. People give up after four weeks on something. I stuck it in seven years. And actually, before this year, I, for the first time [00:16:00] in my life, the last two years, I did not get better because of injury, of change of environment, um, and just the nature of the sport and learning, you know, how it works.
Um, cause not every year you're going to get better. You're going to get better at some events, but not maybe put the decathlon all together. It's like golf. It's like you mess up one hole, your whole thing's gone. It's ruined. Decathlon, if you mess up one event. I mean, potentially it can ruin your whole, your whole score.
Yeah. Because if you don't know the decathlon, you do an event, let's say the 100 meter, you get a certain point score. If you do the long jump and you screw it up, your point score is worse, and then you have to make it up in other events. So if you bomb an event, it's gonna, it's gonna hurt the overall score.
So, yeah. Um. Yeah. You seem, um, Like just talking to you there just seems like there's this really genuine confidence to just something that seems very deep rooted and I [00:17:00] think When you meet someone that has it, you know They have it and you also I think you can tell when it's fake and forced too, but yours just seems very genuine I'm imagining that's rooted in probably your relationship with god and christ but um When did you really start to develop that confidence of just being like dude i'm Just as good if not better than anyone else and if I keep working I could kind of turn this into whatever I want You That's a good question.
Was there a specific moment, um, It's more of like you look at someone and you go if they can do it, I can do it type thing Because I mean your language is so powerful. I don't know if it's like it's just ingrained in me genetically or like my personality, but it's It's this inner confidence because I just see the world in that way.
I'm very optimistic. Yeah, I don't entertain I have negative thoughts, but I don't entertain them, so they don't get to me. I have doubt, but I don't entertain it, so it doesn't get to me. So I only really focus on [00:18:00] possibilities, and then it's just like, get to work and do it. You know, so, and, and just, you know, training with all different types of groups and people and working with people.
Mindset is everything confidence is absolutely everything you can't do anything if you're not confident towards it So but but you could still develop courage, which is you're not confident. You still do it anyway So there's a lot of things I was not confident in but I did it Anyway, I felt the pain I felt the discomfort and then I got better at it and I built confident in that skill or whatever it was um, but yeah, it's like
You got to believe in yourself. You don't believe like It Once you have your identity, like I could do something, then your brain forces you to take the action to actually do that. But if you, if you don't believe it, you're, you're not going to wake up early. You're not going to go the extra mile because you don't believe you can be that, that guy or [00:19:00] that person.
But I do. So then I, I'm pulled automatically. It's like, pretty simple. When you were a freshman in high school, you said your brother was fast and older than you. Yeah. Did that kind of help you frame your own abilities? Like, well, he's literally my brother. Like, I could be something at least. I, I, yeah, that's how I go.
I go, well, he was fast, really fast. Like, I could do. Um, and I think my coach, because my coach was one of the best coaches ever in high school. He really set the mental framework for me to like, I guess, you Because he was all into, you know, mental toughness and like pushing yourself, going past what you think you're possible, capable of, and he held you to that standard.
Um, he saw something in me because I was so bad, but he put so much attention towards me and he really, uh, changed my life for sure, forever. And, uh, so when I coach and I see someone who doesn't, who lacks that ability, is not [00:20:00] there, you know, I see, you know, Me in his eyes. I'm like, don't neglect that one person who, who's not that, who's not there yet.
It's like, you know, lift them up, push them and they can maximize, you know, their, their potential. Yeah. And even because I have a phys ed degree. So part of getting my certificate was I had to be in elementary schools to like do phys ed. And that's the thing. It's ironic. Like I have that degree. I don't.
It's ironic. Coach or teach anymore? Well, I coach online coaching, but I don't do team teach, uh, team coaching. Like I'm not coaching a high school track team or anything. But when I was in the elementary school, that was like my first exposure to like kids every day. And like you see how pure they are and like what they're capable of doing.
But then you, they get the high school one. Like, it's like what happens in between that time? Yeah. And it's like they fail. They, they care about what people's opinions of 'em, and they, they don't have that. I could do anything [00:21:00] attitude anymore. They get like dumbed down. It's like a really sad thing to do.
I mean to see yeah so I think more people just need to Frame their wins differently and build momentum by just like winning every day in their own mind And just working on that positive self talk because we all battle things and I think the perception of social media is like yeah You might watch me and say oh, I'm confident this There's times I was, extreme levels of anxiety, extreme levels of doubt, and I just, you gotta fight every day.
To push through it no matter what like it's you're human. You're gonna feel that
Totally. Yeah, especially like you said, um, you graduated college seven years ago, right? So you've just been on your own for seven years. Like you said decathlon. It's really difficult to get sponsored So they're probably imagine like 99 percent of the guys you competed with just stopped or maybe they tried to pursue what you're doing Yeah after a year or two [00:22:00] They're like why can't go this long without making money and they would just go to a corporate job where it's like your persistence you probably resulted in you starting to create content online, which is going to change your life probably more than decathlon.
Well, and it's going to end up leading to you starting businesses and helping people and probably converting men towards Christianity. But it's pretty amazing when you just stay in the game, like what you allow to happen in the future versus too many people just quit too soon. Yeah. My mindset was always long game.
Like I knew it was going to take time. I knew I'm not going to be at my best now, but later on I will. And I, and I saw the patterns because I I would study every decathlete when I was in college, or past years, and you see someone who's really good, and then they disappear. And it's like, why did they disappear?
But then as I was in the game, after college, I'm like, I know why. They couldn't afford it. Injuries. Sucks. It's hard. It takes, you know, 6, 7, 8 hours of your day training or recovering. They couldn't handle it. The love wasn't there. [00:23:00] Something wasn't, something was missing. Or they didn't get the support.
Because you do need a coach that's dedicated to you. You do need facilities to pole vault and throw and all this stuff. They couldn't figure it out. But if you want something bad enough, you will figure it out. Or at least God will help guide you to figure it out. Or, but there's gonna be times where, like, 2018, I was training alone in New York because I was doing that student teaching.
Um, training all fall, cold as New York, in winter, alone, just, uh, going to school, going to the track alone, training all day, didn't have any facility, like pole vault facilities or anything, just sprinting, go to the gym, go to bed, do it again. And then eventually I got to move back to North Carolina because it's too long of a story to understand.
So I went to North Carolina, back to, uh, I actually took a leap of absence to go to North Carolina the first [00:24:00] time. Went to college, went back home, finally went back to North Carolina. But it's this long story. The long game is everything. So whatever you're trying to do, you need a longer vision for it. So you're not stressing in the moment.
Yeah. And you can actually pace yourself correctly. Mm-hmm . So what's your mindset like on game day when you actually get the chance to put your cleats on and perform? Yeah. The Kalon is over three days or two days. Two days, yeah. So how am I break this down? So the Kalon is a peak performance and. I just trained, let's say from October till April.
So that's, Oh, I'd say October till June. For example, that was this year, the Olympic trial year, two months. That's eight months. I trained for two days, woke up every day, [00:25:00] train, uh, once a day, once a day, but it's like from like nine to two or three sometimes, so that, you know, obviously I have to do normal human stuff like clean, cook.
Drive around, get physio, uh, still, there's just so, just life in general. Yeah. Talk to people, manage relationships. Every day for eight months, for two days, and that's all you get. So it's like, I'm, you're locked in, you're prepared. I did so many things to prepare for these two days. So you don't think you're purely present, you're purely with God, it purely brings the best out of you because the stakes are so high.
It's like game seven of a, why do you think game seven is so intense? It's because it's so much. Online the it's like if you don't know that feeling I feel bad for you You got to do things in life to get that feeling no amount of money You can give tom brady like he doesn't care about that. He he wants a super bowl And yeah, like [00:26:00] that's all like that high and that or dopamine spike is probably like That's the best he's gonna get you know, so that's why you always strive for that is like so um That's what life is about you you do all these things for these micro peak experiences Yeah, and then you you know, because the day to day routine is it could be boring.
It's the same every day There's a lot of purpose and beauty in that too. But then it's like that big You know two days of the decathlon. It's easy. You're prepared, you know, but it can be hard You're gonna have sometimes you might be a little hurt or nagging or something and it It could devalue in your performance because you maybe you're not a hundred percent prepared But that was more I felt that when I didn't have a coach now that I have a coach Well a different group and coaching situation.
I feel way more confident This is so much to it where [00:27:00] you yeah, you need a team to be successful I think and in my sport at least you can't just go to a meet alone, which I was doing But now that I'm like my, my coach is an Olympic medalist. My training partner just got the bronze medal. It's like, I'm in really good company at the perfect time to get ready for the LA games, you know, and make that team, like, that's my ultimate mission.
So I'm almost, I'm just locked in every day. I don't know. It's just like this step. It's just like. Every day is almost Game 7. Every day is almost that Decathlon feeling. Because it's, it's, that's what it's gonna take, really. What a gift to have that feeling though, man. Of like, to be locked in every day, like, I think that's, I think since, you're 29, right?
Yeah, so Harry's 31, I'm 30. I think, I think both of us, when we both turn 30, there's just this, even though you're still really young, just this feeling of how fast time goes, like even graduating college, because we're all right around the same [00:28:00] age and just like, you know, seven years goes by like that. And next thing you know, you're going to be done competing and you're gonna be married, have kids.
I don't know, man. I think it's just, it goes quickly. And I just want to, you just want to maximize every single day. And what would your life look like if you actually juice the lemon out of every single day? Yeah. You know? Yeah, no, I agree. It's like, this is the best time of my life right now. A hundred percent.
Like I got, I have an admission is the most important. And this is going to prepare me for my next, you know, my next cause after I'm done with the decathlon, all the lessons I'm learning train every day. And the discipline is worth more than anything you could buy with money. Like it's, it's. It's such a win win.
Yeah, this is like I think a lot of athletes aren't prepared for when they're done I know I'm gonna be prepared like I know what I want to do after and that's just so like You know change people's minds for the better because a lot of people are suffering right now. I think mentally physically They don't have that drive.
They're self [00:29:00] sabotaging. I mean you wouldn't eat certain food You wouldn't drink and party every weekend If you like love yourself and you just want it and in the culture is like so backwards Because it's normal. Yeah, go to college. Get in debt. Drink your ass off every week. Feel like shit. And do that all throughout the week.
And it's like, That's considered normal now. And that's, it's like, No, it's not normal. Like, let's break the chain out of this. That's not normal. And, uh, So I think having my voice and my credibility of my results will speak the loudest. To influence, you know, younger people because it's like, I took this path, this is the results I get, you want to take this path, you want, you see the confidence in my eyes, like, you, you can't fake this, is my being, and you look, the way you could tell if someone's thriving in life is to look into their eyes, you know, and a lot of people are coping or just not there, they're just like running away, escaping or whatever, and it's like, [00:30:00] that's not, uh, It's really sad.
I don't know. That's something I want to stop. But that's why Christianity is so important, like following Jesus and reading the Gospels. So that's why I created this brand, The Gospel Era, because the meaning behind it is like, this is, this is an era where, you know, a lot of we're separating as in like, we're getting more immoral.
The ethics are getting gone. It's like, the way we stop that is like, we become the best version of ourselves. We are, you know, read the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Like, That is, like, if everyone read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John every day and I was like, we have to do that. There's no doubt in my mind, our, our, the humanity's minds would start to shift and, like, really make a difference in just how we live life as a whole.
I don't know, so, it's, uh, it's [00:31:00] like, I'm, I'm doing, I'm taking this path. Um, as a decathlon, but God has something way greater afterwards. And that's, and I only, you only come to those terms when you, um, I don't know, as you take it, you, as you just work your ass off and take it day by day and spend that time alone.
And once again, everyone look 10 hours. Like, what are you doing? Read books or something? Like. You're derping, you're like, you're so distracted in consumerism, and it's like, you can be a creator, and you can like, create your reality if you want to, per se, by, you know, um, being with your creator more, and like, um, and everyone has that, everyone has a gift, and you gotta like, express it and unlock it, everyone's is different, I'm going on a lot of different tangents, I'm [00:32:00] trying to verbalize, like, And it's, that's one of the most difficult skills that I'm working on is like verbalizing how to, I don't know, spread a good positive message where you can understand it.
When did, uh, when did God come into your life? Was there a clear moment? Uh, so, I'm very blessed because when I grew up, um, we were in the church. My mom would pray, so like, I developed praying since I was like four. Um, and, I always had that prayer, but I never read the Bible and it's like and i'm saying this because Uh, like I didn't start reading until last year, which is ridiculous because I always read scripture online or like watch sermons But I never read the word of god and actually sat down and read it and it's like how can you say you have a?
You know, a tight relationship with God or know God if you've never read his word. You would never say, I play guitar, but then you don't play guitar every day. That sounds [00:33:00] ridiculous. So how can you say, Oh, I know God, I'm following him. If you don't read his word. Yeah. So then I, you know, I really sat down and read it and, um, but I've always been close with God.
I've always prayed. I've always, uh, was there times where I had doubts and stuff? I don't think so. But, but also through my pain, that's where I get closest to him because I just, um, he gives you strength. He gives you peace through pain. I think, uh, there was a time in 2019 where, yeah, I was training. I was super frustrated.
I was getting injured. I had no money. I had to work all day and then train afterwards. And I was like, I don't want to do this. Like. There was voices in my head saying, you reach your potential, you suck. And, uh, one time I was, I went to a track meet at Liberty university, that's just a Christian school. And I was driving home alone and, uh, dude, I was [00:34:00] having the worst fight with an enemy demon.
I don't know what it was, but it was just like, you suck. Super anxious heart, like rate up. And then, uh, I was listening to music and it stopped. The music stopped. I'm like, why? I try to put it on, it wouldn't turn on. And then, uh, I know this sounds ridiculous, like in numbers, but whenever something, like a moment happens, like 555 shows up for me.
And I know, like, you know, I interpret it differently, but it was 555 and there was like these three crosses there, like when it's, when I looked and I'm like, and it was, I just heard, you know, Jesus voice is like, are you going to dedicate more time with me? You know, like, are you, Are you going to put your all into me?
And are you going to change your behaviors? And really, like, how bad do you want it? Like, how strong is your faith? So, your [00:35:00] faith is strong, um,
by proving to God, like, doing the work that's necessary to align with your full potential. You know, and every day you have choices to align with your full potential. And uh, you gotta take every choice seriously. Because there's a reality where I make the Olympic team, there's also a reality where I don't.
So I want to do, I don't want to get away from God's favor by choosing different things or going into temptation or. Uh, you know, going out one night and partying or something, because that's taken away from my focus to being my best self. Uh, but yeah, I don't know, it's just like, I've been, uh, I'm just lucky that my mom was always praying and I, I just praying since I was young and I, I just had that close relationship with God and I always felt it.
I just. And then once I started reading I [00:36:00] got it's even deeper relationship. It's like I'm only 29 it's only gonna get stronger and stronger and stronger and
Yeah, it's it's pretty cool I mean, I we're here together, you know as brothers So you attract the right people at the right time when you're on your path of life And yeah, I've had many low like most of my day. I'm alone I'm alone, but I'm not lonely because I have the creator to talk to or pray all day, you know, so Yeah, that's powerful.
You make such a good point about the scripture to of how many people You know, maybe it's like you're you're going to church or you're listening to worship music or maybe you're listening to sermons online or whatever you have a daily devotional but Yes, like when you're reading the scripture, it does feel like it's the breath of God You And, um, there is this renewing that happens when you continually get in the word, and I think [00:37:00] it's easy for us to make almost like these incorrect interpretations around Christianity, um, or even Christ, and that's why I think getting in the Gospels is so important because you actually learn exactly who Jesus was and what he said.
And then you're like, you're directly going to God yourself too, which is so important, right? I think, I think you, you were starting to get into the scriptures more than me. It's for me, it's more so been like the last six months to be honest with you. Yeah. And um, it's changed everything. It's insane what starts to happen when you really, like when I wake up, I go right outside.
I don't check my phone. 30 minutes, an hour after waking up. Because why would you stimulate yourself? Like, God is, wake up. Thank the creator. You're up like you won. You already won today. You woke up. So give your time to God then I read a devotion and I read, you know a couple scriptures and now my mind is attuned to Supercharged because now I could take on the day but so many [00:38:00] people make the mistakes of like They're already stressed.
They're already rushed and it's wake up early. Give your time space. You will feel a lot better read pray And then, you know, now you have an armor of God for the rest of the day. It's cool. I think your mom probably blessed you more than you even realized, too. My mom prays for me every day. Yeah, just praying for you and teaching you how to pray.
Because, I mean, at the end of the day, like, you can worship scripture and know every single word of God, but if you don't actually spend time with him in prayer, Then you're missing a big piece of it. So yeah, just that that relationship and prayer is huge and when you pray you have to believe what you say Yeah, it activates it, you know, because then once again if You know you pray and then you believe it.
It's it even says in Scripture. It will come to pass like it will happen and You can never read enough Like, I don't know it all. There's so much I don't know and I have to continue to [00:39:00] learn and there's things I forget. I might read something and then forget about it. You have to keep, you have to constantly rehearse it.
I don't think anyone gets to a point where, Oh, I read the whole Bible. I know it all. I don't think there's one person that is there yet. There might. I don't know. That one guy, Cliff. That's awesome. Yeah. What's amazing about scripture is like. When you're in the beginning and you see words for the first time, you see scripture for the first time, it's all new.
And then as you continue to establish, establish yourself in the word and go back and read stuff, you're like, well, now I actually understand what that, the context of this. So I feel like it, it changes as well. Like the word doesn't change, but it changes as we get more advanced in how we understand. You get wiser.
Yeah, exactly. And you interpret it better. And it's, I mean, the parables are so powerful because it's like. A lot of people interpret them wrong Like really out of out of there. Yeah, but I could be interpreting the wrong too, but It's [00:40:00] interesting. Everyone gets a different interpretation almost I guess based on your Your knowledge and wisdom of God.
I don't know. It's uh, Just I think if you have a routine where you're filling that with your mind you'll have a more accurate Um Interpretation of it. Yeah. And it's like people expect like, you know, your physical body, like you should work out and eat healthy to have like a good physical body. But then people don't, um, they fill their mind with garbage and then like distractions and stuff.
It's like, how do you expect your mind to be healthy if you're not, I guess the word of God, like, What are you afraid of? Yeah, are you afraid of greatness? Like what are you doing? Go read it. What's stopping you to do it right now? Pick it up just Set a goal. I want to read one page because once you read one page, you'll probably continue doing it Uh, I mean you [00:41:00] probably keep reading because you're like this is interesting.
Yeah, what is going on? And that's why I say I'm almost embarrassed. I didn't start reading until last year, but i'm also that gives You know hope to other people because it's like oh he started that late You It's okay if I do too, you know, um, it's more relatable almost Yeah, I think it's like I think one of the things Harry and I are learning is that I think the devil Really knows How do you shame against you?
I think the devil wants you to be like, oh, dude, you don't know enough scripture you don't know enough facts about christ to be able to go out and like Preach about this stuff or talk about it But I think God is like, dude, just get in the game, whether you're ready or you're not ready. And you're just going to like, think about the amount of men that you've probably impacted.
Like even me seeing some of your content, I'm like, it motivates me to want to like be like, dude, I should be more public with my faith and post about this stuff more. But I think the devil really wants to shame you. And I think when you start looking at things of, There is a legitimate spiritual [00:42:00] war happening between godliness and satanic bullshit.
Like, you have to view it like that. You see it, but people are blind. Think about it. People were blind when Jesus was performing miracles. They didn't believe he was, you know, the son of God. That's how people are in today. Like, it's this human nature. It is human nature. It's just, people are blind. To what is going on.
It's just like they're feeding us shit. Yeah, like people are eating cereal It's like And they're and they're gonna defend it the I saw something like oh, we're gonna take florida out of water and then I see things like people are actually looking to buy for it to put in their water now, it's like We know it's like not good.
It's not good for your brain. Yeah. Like calcifies your pineal gland. And there's like certain, the theory, the theory is like, there's certain parts of your brain. Like there's a certain, um, like there's certain thought patterns. You're not able to have because of fluoride. But to your point earlier, you you're probably the freshest that the [00:43:00] first 30 to 60 minutes of your day.
Right. That's like the best version of Jack or Harry you could give to God. And you, and you care about like, you know, grass fed meat and raw milk, but then you're just going to go like hit your phone and get that dopamine hit or like, you know what I mean? Like think about how you should be giving the best version of yourself.
Get your mind right. And I sound so crazy, but. Your mind can change your physiology. You have, your mind is a super, it can heal you. Because if I get sick, first off, I don't even say I'm sick. I say, I'm fighting something. And then I will have defenses on my mind to battle the sickness and heal faster.
Cause if I use my mind, like, Oh, I'm sick. Uh, you're going to get sicker with your mind. So I can get heal faster with my mind. Or like, I even say I don't get sunburn. Cause my mind. Is on my side like I receive the sun. Yeah, my all my siblings they get burnt. They're super super pale Get burnt. I'm the tannest one [00:44:00] I have feelings because of my mind how I perceive what's happening to me.
Yeah, it sounds so ridiculous, but it's just like Try to use your mind as a superpower, and then instead of like the opposite way, which is hurting you. Your mind is the most powerful instrument in the world. You know, like, we fly planes. Like, someone created that with their mind. We have light. Someone created that out of nothing, you know?
So, you, if you wake up and you're checking your phone, you're distracted, and now, you're not even thinking now, you're just, you're consuming, and your thoughts are, Just it's just garbage. It's like go outside in nature like get sun Breathe fresh air That's what we need more of yeah. Hmm. It seems like you have a Very big interest in trying to help the younger generation.
Is that hmm something that I think yeah I think like bring some I think because they're they're the future, you know, the future leaders And technically, we're the future leaders, to a degree. For sure. [00:45:00] So it's, you gotta set the best example for them. You know, if I was like, trying to flex and do things, and like, be almost immoral, that's not a good example.
And I don't wanna, I wanna be a light to people. And, um, It's just such a big responsibility to be your best self every day because you're making a ripple effect in the world Whether you know it or not for good or bad. Someone's looking at you. Someone's influenced by you and I think that's why Everyone should get really good at something because if you You'll attract those type of people into your life and you can really impact them my track is such a big small niche, but I'm sure I'm making such an impact for younger decathletes because it's just I Like I almost have a formula to get there Yes, you know like if I was a younger decathlete I would start social media right away and start making money now [00:46:00] because you're not going to be able to With sponsorship if you want to keep doing this And I already have, I see a couple doing it already.
Like, I was like, oh, that's cool. You know, I'm, I'm, that's probably because of me. Ryan, Ryan Talbott? Uh, Talbott, Talbott. Yeah, he, I had a good conversation with him at Meats. Like, he wants to keep doing Decathlon. I tell him, dude, post content, you would kill it. He's carnivore, right? He's carnivore. I'm like, dude, your life is the content.
Like, you're gonna eat post what, what your meal every night. And I think he did the other day. And, uh. It was good. Probably performed well. He's probably making an impact. Yeah. But it's like, the consistency and the volume is the, is the key. Yes. To get, uh, a personal brand if you want to call it. And then just, you could do, you could take it anywhere you want.
This shit's not going away. So start now. I'm gonna be 40 probably posting content still because, First off, Instagram's a digital asset. And you, it, the sky's the limit. Yeah. You know, if I'm doing what I'm doing with 100, 000 followers, [00:47:00] At this rate, let's say a 500, 000 to a million in 10 years, like, it's only going to get bigger and bigger.
And what the cool part is, it's not like the whole world knows you're like this micro thing out of the whole world. Yeah. Cause just people with millions of followers, I have no idea who they are. So you can still be like, uh, away from everything, but also in it. That makes any sense. Yeah, you're not a celebrity.
Yeah, you can't though. They can't leave their house It's like you can leave your house and live a normal life. No one will know Yeah, but then you get all the benefits of having like a big audience. Yeah, it's sick And then the people who do recognize you they see you in person and they're like, holy shit you're yes, whatever and then you give them the time of day because You know, that's a cool moment.
Yeah, it's like you're you're You know who I am, that's, and you're thanking me for what? Alright, let's talk, you know, and then you, you tell him, you give him advice or whatever. Have you gotten recognized at Chipotle yet? [00:48:00] Yeah, many times. Tell the story, what, so the flood bowl is just a bowl that you started crushing at Chipotle?
Okay, this is actually another, like I can't prove this, but it has to have some correlation. Like there has to be some, so in 2018 when I was, You know, training my ass off alone in New York, coaching this high school team. I got really close to those kids. Like I would warm up with them, train with them, do some workouts with them and train them.
So I was like an athlete and coach at the same time. And I led this huge group of kids. They were super, they motivated me so much because it's like, I have to do my best. Cause they're watching me and they, they want younger boys want to be the best. Like they work their ass up. I love. Working with 20 21 year olds because they're so motivated almost like a naive ignorant way but in a good way because they Because they're so hyped up.
You're so hyped up. Um and It was like they go to chipotle with us. This is so [00:49:00] this is 2008. They have no social media and i'm already going to chipotle a lot because It's the biggest bang for your buck back. Then it was like seven dollars now It's a little more pricey, but you can get all the calories for the day in like one meal You So like after coaching, I would, you know, after practice, I would just get Chipotle, but the The high schooler kids wanted to go.
Once again, I'm not working. I'm doing this for free to get my degree. So I have like 50 left 50 or 60 And they and I said if you guys run this certain time in the 4x4, you know, I'll get you guys all Chipotle Let's all go out So then we all go to, they get it. We go to Chipotle, it was like 5 left. But it was like, I had a decision.
Do I spend my last 50 on numb and a good time and a good experience? Because in my head, I have an abundance mindset. Like, I'll somehow get it back. God will bless it back. Like I'm giving, it will [00:50:00] return somehow. And then, you know, a couple, so that was a good time. We got to Chipotle. Chipotle on my. I didn't even care if only 5.
I was a cool experience and, uh, like I said, things will work out. I just always had that mindset. Then four years later, I'm posting about Chipotle every day and then I work with Chipotle and I get my own bowl in the app. It's just like, there had to have been some Because I was eating every day and I was like, this is content, I'm just going to post it every day.
Like, and in the What I've learned about the internet is like, look at DJ Khaled. He says the stupidest shit. It's like the more dumb you make it or like more, I don't know if I could say that this word Retarded yeah, I got like you go full retard the more retarded you are the more people want to be in like Want to follow you.
Yeah, and it's so ridiculous, but it just is they make you their leader Yeah, so I would tell post comment on [00:51:00] Chipotle I was getting two or three thousand comments on a Chipotle video because I'm like tell them we want the flood bowl and we got it And then afterwards I even did a Chipotle meetup like we gave away 50 60 shirts like that many kids showed up in a random Chipotle in North Carolina and like Like, this is cool.
Like, it just, it's like, what? That's unreal. So you can literally go on Chipotle app and get the flood bowl. Not anymore. So they did it for like four, it was like a short term deal, short, short term deal, but that. Helped because working with Chipotle is, you know, clout. Massive. So it's like, the fact that there was enough people that Advocated for that and they put the flood wall on the menu is unbelievable.
Yeah, that's a testament to why anyone should be creating content Oh 100 percent because I got paid a decent amount, but the biggest payment was the attention for it Yeah. More people like, what's up with this guy? How do you do that? How do you pull that off? I had like 10, 000 followers on Instagram. Not even.[00:52:00]
I had like 9, 000. TikTok was like 120, 000. And then I, and then Mr. Beast hit me up because he lives in North Carolina. We did a video and I'm like, that's fucking Mr. Beast. He's the most subscribed YouTuber and he just got off the Joe Rogan podcast. I'm like, how did I end up in this situation? You know? So, but that just gave me, it just gave me so much hope.
Like. Dude, you can keep doing this. You're going to kill it. It's only going to get better. And that's an optimistic mindset. It's like, it's only going to get better. You just have to show up and put the work in. God will bless the work. And that's just how I've approached it. And now here I am 2024 and it's life is good.
Do you feel like people understand who you are through your content? Or do you, do you kind of wish that there was like a longer form platform where people could actually get to know you a little bit better? I kind of, I never really thought about that actually, but I, I guess it would be smarter to have more long form content to get people to really know me.
But then [00:53:00] it's also like, you don't know who I am. I like that. Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of . There's benefits to both. Yeah. Where it's like you'll be talking about God, and then there's also the videos where you're like, if you're not eating steak, you're a beta. You are a beta. And that's, and that's memorable too.
Yeah. There's pros and cons and maybe the, maybe you just continue to use the short form. To like the long form stuff if you start doing more podcasts, but the point is that you have to just put eyeballs on your stuff And then like you said you could turn it into whatever you want because you the biggest thing is I'm not afraid to experiment Yeah, people care about how many views or likes it gets it's like you're you're a loser you're gonna let you're an adult and you're gonna let the opinion of someone else stop you from like Success?
Yes. You're a loser. Yes. You're a definition of a loser. And unfortunately, that's 99 percent of people. Yeah. And now someone's going to watch this and be like, oh, they're going to hate comment or you're going to be motivated. So that's a choice. You can now hate on me for that, saying that, or you can be motivated by it.
Yeah. [00:54:00] If you're smart, you would be motivated by it. Mm hmm. So. There's a lot of things I say that you have to critically think and not be a victim about it. Like, yeah, you choose, you can kind of choose how you view my content. You know, you can, once again, you can be insulted or you can be like motivated.
And that's thinking, the power of thinking is the most important thing. People actually aren't that stupid. Like humans are pretty smart. Their thought processes are stupid. Their behaviors are stupid. Yeah. So. Yeah, anyone who's ever influenced my behavior online has always just been ripping the truth. And at some level of like, it kind of stings because I know like, I know which camp I fall in when this person says, you know, whatever they're saying, but it's, that's like what sticks and gets you to actually like the person is they're, they're effectively calling you out on your bullshit.
Yeah, you have to be bold on the internet and you also, you have to play the game. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, [00:55:00] Too many people are afraid to just speak up and speak up the truth, but that's why the internet is the way it is. Um, because people don't stand up and speak the truth. More people are now, I'm noticing.
People are not afraid to be cancelled. People aren't, aren't, aren't as afraid to be censored anymore. Which is, which is good. That's what we need. We need more people to Because the internet is dictated by the people willing to use it thinking about all the successful people who have money who have experience They don't post imagine if all they did was post the whole direction of the internet would be way different But we just have a lot of stupid people posting Stuff yeah, like brain rot is like killing the youth right now totally like cuz I get it.
I'm like I study, like I'm on, when I'm consuming, I'm studying. I don't consume the derp. I consume the study trends. Why did this work? Why did this video work? The direction of, you know, [00:56:00] um, success, like, Yeah, why are, why are these videos getting views? And you just, you try to apply, it's just playing the game and experimenting on, Um, You doing like the what pisses me off is the videos that do so good on mine is like When I say I accidentally recorded myself, I'm six five About like period cramps or something.
Yeah, that gets Two three million views on average every time some get 15 million views. I'm like, I don't want to post that but it works So I'm gonna do it. Yeah, you know, like yeah Now and if because if even a thousand people out of a million like Oh, he actually gives good advice. Yes. Now they're loyal followers because they, they like that.
Then I'll take it. Yes. So they found you through that video. Exactly. That's why you keep, just keep throwing them up. Yeah. If they work, because if they work, just yeah, keep doing it. Yes. And that's why you need to experiment because then doesn't work. Doesn't work. Doesn't something works. [00:57:00] Yeah. If you didn't experiment, you'll never find that one that works.
Yes. And then you stick with it. Like the CPD thing. No, no one knew who I was before CPD, but I was posting three or four times a day. And then I did a video on CPD. It worked. I'm like, I'm sticking with this. Do it. Then it, it, it's not that it didn't stop working. I just was like, I don't want to do it now.
I'm like, shit, I got to find the new thing. And, uh, then it was like, you are a beta. So then I started calling people beta. And then every time that worked and I'm like, I don't want to keep doing that because that's like, you know, pretty divisive, but there's a lot of truth in it. Uh, and then I don't have something now.
That's like, you know, Trademarked, but it's like now I kind of now I know what I'm it's just like fitness health Christian stuff advice Yeah, self development mindset. That's it period Does the Christian stuff do well? Like are you starting to see people reach out for that? Yeah, a lot of athletes and people say thank you for [00:58:00] sharing your faith.
And you know, it's crazy I never I didn't know people were afraid to share their faith until I got those You Messages because to me it's just normal. It's just like you believe in God people are very reserved about it Absolutely, and I get it because people grow up differently and it's not what I learned.
It's not wrong to be reserved about it It's you know, everyone approaches it differently, but it does say to You know show up lead others To god. Yeah, so I think if you if you're somebody who's had success in life and like, you know, You is sharp, uh, I don't know, has status, I don't consider myself having status, but you're preaching the word of God or even talking about it, then you're going to influence a lot of people in a positive direction that are going to, then they're going to be comfortable sharing it.
And then it just spreads. It's a ripple effect. So in [00:59:00] America, if more people are, you know, spreading that, I think it's going to make, it's already, I think the statistics show like most young men are. Leaning towards more conservative values because they're like They're, they're men. They've been, you know, ever since, since growing up, they're suppressed to no, you, you shouldn't be intense.
No, you shouldn't be competitive. No, it's okay. Do you be nice? This is not saying don't be nice, but like, there's an intensity to us, you know, so, They, like when I was coaching, it's like these kids want to train, they want to work, they want to feel, not that they're feeling pain, but you have to train hard and feel a lot of pain to get better.
So they, they strive off of motivation type energy. So that is typically more right. We're not as emotional and like, you know, Oh, you know, don't hurt anyone's feelings. Don't [01:00:00] step on anyone's toes. It's like, no, we work our asses off. We get a result because we choose to work hard. And like, You know, I'm not going to not say something to not hurt your feelings.
Like I'm going to, I'm going to say the truth and speak up about it. Um, I was trying to make a point. I don't think I just, I think I, I missed it though. No, it's great. You're, you're trying to speak the truth because you actually care about the young men and you realize how important young men are, especially if you're getting a young man, if Jesus has changed your life and you have a platform or an audience, like you said.
You have an obligation to disciple and spread the word of God and if you get those young guys to be more confident I think the statistics are in a household If the mom is pushing the family to go to church, I think it's like 15 or 20 percent of families will continuously go for over the course of however many years, but if the dad leaves, it's like 80 or 90%, which is crazy.
So you're creating ripples to these young kids that are going to end up having [01:01:00] families of their own. Dude, that those ripples could be literally millions of people from your audience and I'll say one thing so when I was 19 20 You don't know much about being a man yet But as you you know develop because you're kind of scared you're like wait, I have to be more responsible I have to you know I have to actually wake up early and work and I don't get to really have much fun.
You actually I think it's nature. You want to do that. You want to be responsible. You want to provide. You want to be your best self. You want to show up and give to others and you're the one suffering. It's not suffering, it's actually, I think the best position because your journey as a man is, is the best.
All the emotions up and down, the difficulties. I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't want an easy, comfortable life. It's like, yes, I want an easy life, but I'm going to make it easy in a different way where it's like. I actually am fulfilled. [01:02:00] Yeah. If you're a guy and you're never pulling out your, your, like, metaphorical sword to actually, like, go into battle, like, what are you doing?
Yeah, what are you doing? You know, you gotta get on the field and, like, get out there and swing the sword a little bit. Yeah. I just think, like, so many guys are just caught up in just They have like a binky with their phone, and they're like addicted to porn, eat like crap, have a crappy job. It's a terrible existence.
Yeah, the vape, the vape and stuff. I can't believe how many younger guys do it. It's like It's, it's really sad, but once again, that's why I'm The people who get it, get it. And you know, it's funny when you do start posting stuff like motivation and All that self improvement stuff, you get so many hate comments of like people coping And And it's just like you're just projecting.
It's insane. I actually feel sorry for you. Yeah, I feel sorry for you And that's what that's so what that's what's so weird when people like oh, I can't handle hate comments. It's like how Who cares about hate comments? I've never understood [01:03:00] that. Yeah, people like really take it personally. Like dude, it's literally like like look at his username It's look at his username.
It's like gq2000 It's like what Yeah, you think about how sad and broken that person is like you think about all the times where someone's content has maybe like Annoyed you or whatever Like you would never take the time as a man to comment on their post. So to think about them doing that to you, it's like you imagine the state that they're in, they're probably, you know, 50 to a hundred pounds overweight, probably living at home with their parents still covered in Cheeto dust or whatever.
And it's like, yeah, that's really who you're going to let prevent you from posting content. And. Being able to impact people on the internet or make money that could literally benefit your future family. You know? It's, yeah. It's insane. Like you said, you've totally changed your life. But if you let other people's opinions of you dictate what you're gonna do Yeah.
You never have the brand that you have right now. I agree. Which is sad. It is. And, uh The reason I got to I think The, the [01:04:00] word I use Uh, to where I got where I'm at is my desperation levels were so high and desperate could be used as a negative thing, but I'm framing it in a positive way. Like I'm, because if you're desperate, you will do anything to get that.
If an alcoholic is desperate, he'll find a way to get the beer. I'm desperate to make this work. So I'm, I'm like an everyday showing up to make this work. And I, my mind. Only thinks about improving every moment. I can't it's hard to chill. Yeah, an ambition is a curse and a blessing But once again, it's I wouldn't want to any other way yeah Dude it's gonna be cool seeing what's next for you to these next four years.
It's uh, I had this is It almost is It's just unbelievable I know I have a four year plan. I know what [01:05:00] I want to do. I'll be 32 my peak athleticism for the LA, um, games and every day for the next what 1200 1400 days I'm, just inching towards that and every decision matters And I'm wiser, stronger, I'm more athletic, I understand there's going to be struggles and challenges, but I can maneuver through them better.
Because one, my history with God is stronger, because he's always got me through them when I was, throughout my life. But also I, I just understand, I could just, I'm just overall mentally stronger to get through challenges. Yeah. It is. It's just, it's just natural. You understand that's part of life, you know, and it's like not a bad thing to, you know, be mad, be frustrated, you know, when, when you're in all these emotions, like feel it in the moment, obviously, um, gear them [01:06:00] towards back to presence and back to joy and peace.
But when you're in like all this frustration, anger should just push you. To be better definitely Yeah, it's exciting to think about Three more years in the right direction what you'll be like at 32 for the games man. It's gonna be I'm just once again, I'm so blessed cuz Let me tell you a story how I'm even in, Texas So I went the 2021 trials.
I scored 8, 000. I'm like, that's huge I was like that was such a cool moment You The next year I get invited to this meet called hypometal, hypometing gotsis. It's this meet in Austria. It's hosted every year It's the world's best decathlon and they it's just a decathlon. So it's not 100 meter any other other rents It's just decathlon and I seen videos on it since I was like 18 when I first got into it [01:07:00] It's like it's gotsis.
I never imagined myself going there. It was not even like I thought I've actually never made a goal I'd be there or anything But they emailed me in 2022 and they invited me. I'm like, what? I'm freaking out. I'm going. So I go fly across to Austria and I got there Monday that meets like Friday, Saturday.
So that Monday, cause you have to adapt to the time zone change, do a lot of stuff to prepare. But that Monday I'm warming up at the track and this athlete, Linden Victor, who I've known because he was a collegiate record holder. And when I was in college, he was D1. He broke the collegiate record. He was this amazing athlete.
And you hear about that because, you know, you know track if you're in track. And then, uh, so when I got off the, the van, first off, it was Lyndon Victor and Damian [01:08:00] Warner who was the Olympic champion and Olympic record holder from the year before. And I'm like, how did I get in this situation? Because I'm just this, you know, this just kid.
Yeah, I scored 8, 000, which is like, Is good, but it's not good compared to the the best in the world the best in the world They're in a different league. What would they score nine thousand nine thousand? Yeah, it's insane Um, I could see myself scoring, you know, 86 87 by the time i'm done But i'm i'm not gonna put a limit on it because anything can happen like I can My heart can be in it and I just figure shit out and yeah, my heart's already in it But sometimes when you're really in momentum The you take the limits off and like you do something crazy like that's crazy God takes over or something, but so I'm like who how am I in this this van with them?
But anyway, we get to the track. I'm warming up Linden comes up to me because I don't know how he would know who I am He's he points at me. He's like like there's something about you He's like, I don't train [01:09:00] with anyone, but I want you to train with me and I'm like why like I didn't understand and then After the meet and I didn't think he was serious after I didn't I didn't I think he was just saying that then Uh, so that was in May, then in September I go to another meet in France and I see him there and we had talks about it.
He's like, so are you going to train with me? And his coach, uh, Huffins, who is an Olympic medalist, he, I talked to him and he's like, yeah, I mean, if you want to train, like whatever, like you can come. Uh, and it was like, it was, but it was expensive because like per month and I'm like, Shit, how am I gonna make this work?
Anyway, then it's two months later in November and they call me on the phone They're like so when you coming to Texas and I was like [01:10:00] wait, they're serious about this They actually want me because it didn't make sense. It's Lennon Victor, you know, and this year He just got he just got his first Olympic bronze medalist in the coach Christopher offense who's Olympic bronze medalist It's just love and they want me to train there.
It just it didn't make sense to me So when they call me they were serious, I'm like, all right I'm moving to Texas. So, like, two weeks later, drove down, I'm in Texas. At TCU, we train every day, and it's, uh, I'm going to be here for the next four years. Perfect timing for this season of my life. It's just, this is, if I never stuck in the game, I would never know this was a possibility.
I would have never experienced this. It's insane. You know? So, if you're thinking about giving up on something, don't, because You gotta think of the possibility of what could happen later on. You're gonna miss out on that. It's like if you're doing like, uh, you [01:11:00] lift weights, I assume. If you like, uh, you probably know you got three more in you, but you stop.
There was a reality where you did three more. Yes. You missed that. Don't miss that. Go, keep going. Like, that's it. That's Tom Brady's motto, I think. It's just keep going. Like, that is so simple, but it's so true. Keep going. One step at a time. Things will happen. Keep going. But you gotta be honest with yourself, because if you're not putting the work in, you're not, uh, doing everything you can to put yourself in a position to be successful, then you're just fooling yourself.
And there's a lot of arrogant people out there who think they're doing it right, but they're not. Yeah. And they're not honest with themselves. So don't be that person. Dude, you getting down to Texas is a pretty crazy story, because I feel like that's like the exact room you need to be in, in order to get like It's exact, dude, every, in every phase.
The junior college was exactly where I needed to be. D3. D4. That was exactly where I needed to be. Cause I was like, Oh, I should go D1. [01:12:00] Technically I could have, but it wouldn't have worked. It would, I wouldn't have, I wasn't ready for it. Then it was like North Carolina. I needed that because I got really fast and strong there.
And that was the exact program I needed to be where I'm at now. Then like that kind of fizzled out because of just the situation. Then Olympic, it's like an Olympic training ground that I never experienced. Cause think about it. I was junior college D3. The level of the sport and the people changes. How you view it and what you can do, you know, so that's another thing.
That's pretty spectacular. When I was D three, like the fact that I had a vision that far, like I said, it was probably delusional. Uh, and actually before I left North Carolina, the first time I talked to my high school's cross country team and I told them, I said in 20, so this was 2018, no, this was 2017. I said, By 2020, I will make the Olympic trials and score this.
So now the pressure [01:13:00] is on, because I put it out there, and it was like, now I have to do it. It's like, I heard like, um, Michael Jordan would talk certain, like, shit in games. Not for them, not to talk shit, but now because he has to back it up. It's like a psychological hack. It's like, I'm saying this because now I have to do it.
To back what I set out. Yeah, create skin in the game for himself. Exactly. Yeah. So, there's a lot of mental frameworks you can use constantly every day to bring the best out of you. That's amazing, man. Yeah, you have to, you have no other choice. And yes, rest is important. So, like, you can go all day, every day, have urgency.
I mean, God created, you know, He says, take one day rest. Sunday. And actually, Sunday, every day. Is uh, I mean rest actually feels good when you work hard you earned it But if you're like doing resting throughout the week, it doesn't feel as good No, it's [01:14:00] like that's why you can't sleep because you're chilling when it's 2 p.
m. Do something So when you get 9 10, you actually fall asleep Yes, a lot of people have sleep problems and I think a lot of it is the stuff we're putting in our body the stimulation But also just like sitting around all day. Yeah, like how how did we get to a point where? What 60 percent overweight in America?
I just don't understand it. What are you doing? I know we're I think we're about to we're gonna have some see some really cool changes Yeah It's like you're gonna be doing the Olympics in three years and then we've got four more years of this new Administration and RFK with make America healthy again And yeah, the stuff we've been talking about for years is gonna start to become a lot more mainstream So I hope great time to be an American.
Yeah, America is the best country in the world By far I've traveled and I always want to go back to America because it's just like it has everything. Yeah, you don't people just don't [01:15:00] understand How amazing this country is we're so you can go to a grocery store and just get anything you want. Yeah Yeah, like what?
It's insane anything all year round whatever product you want Like, you know, cities like New York and all these cities in Texas that you can, you can genuinely do anything and be whatever you want to be. Yeah. Truly. And, and that's what sucks is like, there's a whole, let's say the media that purports you're a victim.
You can't do this because of that, because of this. And people believe it because they're bots. They just, they don't think, can't think for themselves. Their God is the media or whatever. But if you actually follow God and Jesus. You would know there's so much inside you that you can and struggle's normal.
Like, it's okay to to lack and not have things for a while. That's okay. Yeah. But people think they're entitled to having everything all their [01:16:00] needs met. It's like, when in history has anyone had all their needs met? You're richer it's relative wealth you're richer than someone who grew up in the 1200.
Like, you you might be poor, but you have a roof over your head probably. You have Like access to so much shit. Clean drinking water. Yeah. Yeah. Take advantage of it. Hundred percent. I don't know. Yeah, people who don't think America is great have never been to Buc ee's. Yeah, I actually stopped at Buc ee's here.
Before here. How's the CPD there? It's uh, It's, it's all right. But B Bucky's is a phenomenon. Yeah. It's a really special store. It really, it's so Texas. It's just, especially going from the northeast and just walking into Bucky's, it was packed. It's wild, dude. People just go there for fun. Yeah. Actually, every time I make a video, I say Busies, busies, because that's another strategy is like if you say something, pronounce something wrong.
Yeah. Then people comment, they engage, boost your video. [01:17:00] I don't know. Just free simple hack. Free game. Yeah. Yeah. Well, brother, this has been, uh, dude, this has been amazing, man. Just getting to know you. I feel like excited to just build a friendship and see where it goes, but just getting to learn about your story and Just the adversity and all the different steps along the way.
It's so clear that God just had an amazing plan for you, dude. So now you're gonna have two Friends and dudes that'll be rooting for you big time brothers. I just appreciate you. This is amazing I appreciate the opportunity and This is a seed that will grow You Majorly, in the next decade. 100%. Like, we're just getting started.
Yeah. And that's how I always feel, like, I'm just getting started. Like, that's my mentality. I got fifth at the trials, I'm just getting started. Yeah. Some people say, oh, you're 29, it's late. What are you talking about? Everyone has so many limitations. Yes. It's like, you need to take the limitations off. How can you take the limitations off, though, if you don't spend time with yourself?
Don't distracting yourself, and that's [01:18:00] that's the biggest issue is just people just distract themselves with bullshit Yeah, it's like people are afraid of God and greatness. I think I said that earlier they hide from it They you know, let me just stuff myself with food. Let me Drink this. Let me smoke this.
Let me just watch Netflix You got to really pay attention to what your behaviors are. Yeah and change them You You know, so just embrace the gospel era embrace the gospel error I love it. But yeah, so yeah, I'm wearing this is Jesus is King, but I The other stuff is like different verses that I really Inspired and applied in my life that I always look to for inspiration that There's like about ten other verses with hoodies hats and shirts So not the mission of that like I said is People wear a verse and that's the message people are putting in their brain.
Someone's going to look it up and be [01:19:00] like, Oh, that's pretty inspiring. I want to get more into this. It's like a billboard. And then the ripple effect. Yeah. Cause the messages you see everywhere else is bullshit. Yes. This is the ultimate message. This is the ultimate truth. So let's, let's, uh, that's what we should be spreading.
That's what we should put it into our brains. And a lot of people can say. You know, that's cultish. No, it's like this, it's the word of God. Where can people, uh, where can people find your stuff? So, my main, uh, media is Instagram. It's at Jack Floyd. And TikTok, at Jack Floyd. I actually started posting stuff on YouTube at Jack Floyd.
Um, cause I think, Get I think the best social media to be super, you know, prominent in is YouTube. Yeah, because it's a long form It's the ultimate get to know someone and [01:20:00] the I think the hardest follower to gain is on YouTube Yeah, it could be wrong hardest but most valuable and most value. Yeah, exactly.
So I want to grow my YouTube. That's a goal That'd be, that'd be really good. So awesome, man. Well, we'll link to all that. The hoodies fit incredible. We're going to be wearing them around town, like billboards. And I appreciate that. Also, um, is it okay if I push this? I just started an online coaching app called flood fitness.
So I'm coaching you one on one workout plan, nutritional plan, 24 seven access to me. Because I want to make health and the way I live a lifestyle. So we're. It's not even a habit because habits you can lose a lifestyle you it's ingrained in your system. You do it for life So you don't have resistance to work out.
You don't have resistance to eat healthy You don't have resistance to do the habits that make you successful and happy. It's like it's a [01:21:00] lifestyle So my coaching is three month to six month commitment. So it's ingrained in you All right, so if you're interested in that just DM me on Instagram coach And I'll send you all the information.
Awesome. And we'll link to it in the show notes too, man. Perfect. Cool. Thank you, brother. Yeah, thank you guys. Let's eat some steak.